
Foliar-Pak® Play-On is an all-in-one product that provides a complete turfgrass maintenance program with the convenience of one single product.


Foliar-Pak Play-On takes the guesswork out of building a program for sports turf maintenance. It offers the following benefits:

  • Foliar-Pak Play-On takes the guesswork out of building a program for sports turf maintenance. It offers the following benefits:
  • Combines the foliar nutrients most necessary for in–season turfgrass success in one jug.
  • Delivers a comprehensive array of beneficial components that charge the plant and the soil.
  • Promotes deeper, stronger, fibrous root systems for enhanced playability and quicker recovery from heavy traffic.
  • Unlocks existing tied-up soil nutrients for predictable and consistent plant response.
  • Provides a consistent controlled growth and long-lasting color.
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