The Perfect Base Product for Comprehensive Nutrient Programs: Play-On

bottle of play-on

Most golf greens are sand-based with a limited nutrient holding capacity and receive an intense amount of traffic. To remedy these situations, frequent applications of a comprehensive nutrient program are required. Used as a base product, Foliar-Pak Play-On simplifies the use of a comprehensive nutrient program and makes it more convenient.

Routinely, other comprehensive nutrient programs make creating a complete fertility program more complicated than it needs to be. Play-On uncomplicates this process by streamlining the number of base products required while continuing to offer results superintendents want, such as controlled growth, increased density, long-lasting color, and the 1 to 1 nitrogen to potassium ratio that many superintendents desire during high-stress periods. Fewer products to think about also puts more focus on the individual nutrients the turfgrass is lacking, so those can be addressed explicitly in the program, too.

How does Play-On streamline the number of base products in a comprehensive nutrient program? Multiple nutrients and two great technologies, AminoPrecise and Armament, are combined into one jug. The foliar amino acids in AminoPrecise technology improve foliar nutrient uptake, increase abiotic stress tolerances, and improve the plant’s energy status by helping to build more proteins and conserve carbohydrate reserves.

Armament technology improves soil nutrient availability, especially when negative forces such as high pH, bicarbonates, and phosphorus are present. It is a long-chain carbon structure with a high concentration of negative charges. The negative charges are essential in the difficult soil conditions mentioned above or where there is limited nutrient holding capacity. Armament gently complexes positively charged metals, keeping them in solution and delivering them to the roots for uptake in the turf.

A few other things become simpler and even convenient when using Play-On as the foundation product for a comprehensive nutrient program.

  •  Purchasing products is more manageable. Fewer products mean less of a purchasing hassle.
  • Mixing is less complicated. Employees can keep the sprayer ahead of the early morning golfers because they do not need to worry about measuring and mixing lots of products (Reduces the chance of errors from inexperienced spray techs, too).
  • Clutter is reduced. Fewer products in the storage area minimizes clutter.

*Do not use Foliar-Pak Play-On as a base product in instances where you want to grow in turfgrass (after aerification, seeding, repairing areas, etc.). Use Foliar-Pak Grow-In.

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About the Author Curt Geron

I am a Foliar-Pak territory manager and the lead for Foliar-Pak product development. I’ve been with EnP Investments, the manufacturer of Foliar-Pak, for almost nine years. In addition to my responsibilities at EnP, I’ve worked as golf course superintendent and owner/operator of a lawn care company. With B.S. and M.S. degrees in Agronomy from The Ohio State University, I developed a passion for plant science and fertility. If you would like to learn more about the science behind our products or discuss practical applications for using our products to improve turfgrass and plant health, let’s connect.

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