How Foliar-Pak Pond Additive Creates a Clear Pond

clear water with pond additive

How does Foliar-Pak Pond Additive produce clear ponds? By helping diatoms reproduce.

Diatoms are clear microalgae that produce oxygen—meaning the more their numbers grow, the better a body of water looks. They, however, have a problem when it comes to reproducing: silicon.
Diatoms are approximately 75% silica by weight, making silicon a significant nutrient in their reproduction process. Silicon makes its way to bodies of water like ponds via soil solution. But it’s not particularly soluble, so very little of it ends up in the soil solution and a body of water.

Pond Additive solves this insolubility issue because it is a silicon additive soluble in water. Its solubility makes it readily available to the diatoms, which can then multiply and give ponds a clear appearance.

water before pond additive

Before Pond Additive

water after pond additive

After Pond Additive

Try the Pond Additive Program

Establishing diatoms is the key to success. Begin by applying 32 ounces of Pond Additive (diluted in 100 gallons of water) per acre of water. Ensure the water applied onto is 6 feet deep on average.

Pond Additive should be sprayed evenly over the water’s surface every ten days until the desired clarity of the water is obtained. The process usually takes three applications every ten days on average.

Once the desired water clarity is achieved, make monthly applications of 16 ounces (diluted in 100 gallons of water) per acre of water. The monthly applications will help maintain the increased population of diatoms in the water.

Pond Additive is designed to be a part of an integrated pond management (IPM) program. Reducing nutritional runoff, installing devices that provide aeration, and applying colorants are examples of pieces of a complete IPM program.

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About the Author Curt Geron

I am a Foliar-Pak territory manager and the lead for Foliar-Pak product development. I’ve been with EnP Investments, the manufacturer of Foliar-Pak, for almost nine years. In addition to my responsibilities at EnP, I’ve worked as golf course superintendent and owner/operator of a lawn care company. With B.S. and M.S. degrees in Agronomy from The Ohio State University, I developed a passion for plant science and fertility. If you would like to learn more about the science behind our products or discuss practical applications for using our products to improve turfgrass and plant health, let’s connect.

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