A Cultural Tool to Combat Patch Diseases

bottle of patch amino 5

Patch Amino 5 provides a cultural tool to combat summer patch and take-all patch on cool-season golf courses. We specifically designed it for putting greens, but it’s safe to use anywhere on the golf course. With a complete nutrient analysis plus sulfur, manganese, and amino acids, Patch Amino 5 is one of a kind.

PhDs in the industry recommend an acidifying nitrogen source to strengthen turfgrass against both summer patch and take-all patch. That’s why 80% of the nitrogen in Patch Amino 5 comes from ammonium sulfate. Ammoniacal nitrogen can locally lower the pH of the soil to provide proactive defense against patch diseases.

Likewise, Patch Amino 5 contains 2% chelated manganese because of an inverse correlation between manganese uptake and patch disease occurrence. Phosphorus and potassium also build the plant’s defense against disease, which is why Patch Amino 5 has a 1:1:1 nutrient ratio.

The third thing that makes Patch Amino 5 unique is AminoPrecise technology. Amino acids support microbial activity in the soil, which creates a healthier plant to suppress patch diseases.

The formulation of Patch Amino 5 makes it an excellent product for spring and fall color enhancement. It’s also safe to use in the summer and is especially helpful for superintendents already applying two pounds of manganese per acre for take-all patch in the spring or fall. Two pounds of manganese per acre in the summer wouldn’t be safe because of tip burn risk. Patch Amino 5 allows superintendents to safely maintain a nutritional defense against patch diseases throughout the growing season.

Another effective time to apply Patch Amino 5 is around early season preventative fungicide applications for both summer patch and take-all patch diseases. Supplement your chemical approach to these diseases with the cultural benefits of Patch Amino 5.

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About the Author John Gruneisen

I am the Midwest territory sales manager for EnP, supporting the Foliar-Pak product line. I am a Columbus, Ohio native and I graduated from The Ohio State University with BS in Turfgrass Science and a minor in Plant Pathology. I spent nine years in the golf industry before getting into the vendor sector of the green industry eight years ago and focusing on carbon-based fertility. I am passionate about efficient and effective fertilizer. Send me an email if you’d like to connect.

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